Indiana Elite 2020 continued its winning ways and beat a good D1 Minnesota team 70-51Indiana Elite 2020D1 MinnesotaPublished 06/02/2018 by Jeff Corrion
Highlights of D1 Minnesota over Reach Legends 80-64 in 17U gold bracket play at the Chicago Classic#1REACH LegendsD1 MinnesotaPublished 06/01/2018 by Jeff Corrion
Game Highlights: Lansing Prospectors (MI) beats Bigg Ten Hoopstars (MI) 73-68 (OT) in 15U#4Lansing Prospectors#5Bigg Ten Hoopstars Published 06/01/2018 by Jeff Corrion
MWA Elite (MI) beats Flint Affiliation (MI) 37-26 in 17U at the Playmakers Summer InviteMWA EliteFlint AffiliationPublished 06/01/2018 by Jeff Corrion
AABA (MI) beats Burns Fitness Ballers (MI) 46-34 in 15U at the Playmakers Summer InviteAnn Arbor Basketball Academy (AABA)Burns Fitness BallersPublished 05/31/2018 by Jeff Corrion
REACH Legends (MI) beat Wyoming Beasts Elite 76-47 in 17U at the Chi Classic#1REACH LegendsWyoming Beasts Published 05/31/2018 by Jeff Corrion
LPC Thunder (MI) beat MWA Elite (MI) 51-46 in 17U at the Playmaker Summer InviteLPC ThunderMWA ElitePublished 05/31/2018 by Jeff Corrion
Oakland Elite beat Y&R (IL) 63-60 in 15U pool play at the Chicago Classic#3Oakland EliteY & RPublished 05/31/2018 by Jeff Corrion
Highlights: Jason Terry Jets (MO) beats Lansing Prospectors 57-39 in 15U at the Chicago ClassicJason Terry Jets#4Lansing ProspectorsPublished 05/31/2018 by Jeff Corrion
Lansing Prospectors (MI) beat Illinois Stars - Knauf 71-51 in 17U at the Chi ClassicIllinois Stars - Knauf#3Lansing ProspectorsPublished 05/31/2018 by Jeff Corrion