2019 Jiovanni Miles (Novi) is a player we always like to see and we ran into him SundayJiovanni Miles#34NoviPublished 10/17/2018 by Jeff Corrion
Senior Season VS. Guerin Catholic Attached to Michael WiniarskiPublished 10/17/2018 by Michael Winiarski
2019 F Joel Knighton (Michigan United/Chippewa Valley) played some good ball at the Fall LeagueJoel KnightonMichigan United - Nemens#32Chippewa ValleyPublished 10/17/2018 by Jeff Corrion
Michigan United beat Fenton 48-41 at the @bigcatbasketbal Fall League Attached to Fenton Tigers at Michigan United - NemensFentonMichigan United - NemensPublished 10/17/2018 by Jeff Corrion
Michigan United beat Fenton 48-41 at the @bigcatbasketbal Fall League. Attached to Fenton Tigers at Michigan United - NemensPublished 10/17/2018 by Stu Carlin